Reflections, Uncategorized

Slow Down To Experience More

Slow Down To Experience More

I recently had a revelation while journaling.

Sitting down on the floor of my apartment balcony, I closed my eyes and listened. There were the sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and insects calling.

I said a breath prayer that I was taught. Breathing in I said, “Lord, Jesus Christ Son of God,” and breathing out I said, “Have mercy on me a sinner.” For 3 whole minutes… I started thinking when would that 3 minutes be up?

*Phone alarm rings* ok that would be now…

In the presence of God, time seems to slow down. This sits in contrast with the rest of life, which is always so hurried, where busyness is something to be proud of and bragged about.

It’s not about having more things

It’s intentionally slowing down, to hear the birds, observe the ripples in the water, and watch the leaves fall. It’s about slowing down in that moment to experience God, to see the handiwork of his hands, and to marvel at his creation.

And that was my revelation. That’s how we can do more with the same 24 hours as everyone… we need to slow down to experience more.

Slow Down To Experience More


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