Reflections, Uncategorized

What A Difference A Habit Makes

What A Difference A Habit Makes

You’ll never guess what happened at my dentist appointment last Thursday. I was sitting there, waiting for the usual scolding about how I needed to floss more, and instead, he asked me, “Have you been flossing daily?” And you know what? I had! And he was happy with the results. He told me to keep it up till the next time I visit.

Now, let me tell you… ever since my first kid came along, my dentist appointments have always been filled with not-so-fun surprises. Think dental fillings, bleeding gums – you name it. It all came down to good old dental hygiene and, most importantly, flossing daily to keep that pesky plaque at bay.

The thing is, I always found myself wrestling with that. Flossing is just one tiny task that takes barely two minutes, but there I was, always finding an excuse to put it off. I’d say things like, “I’ll do it tomorrow. My teeth are already clean enough,” or “Flossing is such a pain, I’ll skip it today.”

What A Difference A Habit Makes

This time around, though, my dentist was patting me on the back for my dental hygiene. Over the past six months, I’ve been more mindful about flossing every day, and it turned into a habit.

You know, it got me thinking…

It’s funny how simple habits can change things. I mean, take flossing, for instance. It’s a tiny thing that takes barely two minutes, but it makes a difference! I saw this firsthand at my last dentist appointment – no cavities, no bleeding gums, nothing! A small change in routine turned into a big win for me.

It got me thinking about other little habits in my life. Like praying or reading a verse from the Bible every day. Sometimes, I would tell myself, “I’m too beat today, God will understand.” Or, “I’ll read a chapter tomorrow when I have a quiet moment.” But those quiet moments can be pretty elusive, right?

So I started to treat my prayer time like my flossing time. Just a few focused minutes each day. A small but intentional moment. And guess what? Just like with the flossing, I started to see a change.

It’s less about ticking off a spiritual to-do list and more about having these moments with God where I can reflect, breathe, and be in His presence. And it’s not just for me – it’s also a good example for my kids. I mean, I won’t let them skip brushing their teeth before bed, right? So why not show them the value of these moments with God?

Sure, we’re not perfect. Some days, the flossing might not happen, and neither might the prayer time. And that’s okay. But it’s also okay to keep trying. To keep creating these small, meaningful moments in our everyday life.

Ultimately, it’s all about taking baby steps towards better habits, whether it’s about our teeth or our faith. So here’s to flossing, praying, and doing our best daily! After all, the little things do add up in big ways!

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

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