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The Clarity Of Vision

The Clarity Of Vision

For years, I put off getting my eyes checked. It was always, “I’ll do it next month,” or “I can still see well enough.” But finally, I decided to take the plunge. I went to the optometrist, got my eyes tested, and made a new pair of spectacles. The whole process took just 35 minutes, and suddenly, my vision was clear again. It was like seeing the world in high definition. But, as great as it was, it took some time for my eyes to adjust to the new clarity.

This got me thinking about how often we delay making important changes in our lives. We might avoid starting a new habit, breaking an old one, or seeking deeper spiritual growth because it feels like too much effort. But the benefits can be immediate and profound once we take that step.

Growth in Christ

This little experience with my spectacles reminded me of a verse from the Bible, Ephesians 4:15, which says, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” It’s a reminder that we shouldn’t stay stuck where we are. We need to grow and mature in our faith.

Taking Action

So why did I take so long to get those spectacles? Maybe it was the hassle, or maybe I just didn’t realize how much I needed them. It’s easy to get comfortable with where we are, even if it’s not the best place to be. The same goes for our spiritual lives. We might know we need to grow, but taking that first step can be daunting.

The Clarity that Comes with Growth

Just like putting on those new spectacles brought instant clarity, taking steps to grow in our faith can bring a fresh perspective. We start to see God’s purpose for us more clearly and understand His word more deeply. It’s not always easy—there can be a period of adjustment—but it’s worth it.


Reflecting on this, I’ve decided to take a closer look at my life and identify areas where I need to grow. Just as I finally addressed my need for better vision, I’m committed to making changes that will help me grow spiritually. I encourage you to think about your own life. Are there areas where you need clarity? Steps you’ve been putting off? It’s never too late to start.

Growth is a journey, and it’s okay if it takes time. In my next post, I’ll share more about the changes I’m making and how it’s going. Until then, I encourage you to take that first step towards growth, whether it’s getting new spectacles or diving deeper into your faith. Let’s embrace the clarity and the journey together.


Dear God, thank You for opening my eyes to the changes I need to make. Help me to take the necessary steps towards growth, both in my everyday life and in my faith. Guide me through the adjustments and help me see Your purpose more clearly. Amen.

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